
My name is Abbie Markey, I am currently 17 years old (almost 18!). If you know me, then you know that I've never had a plan for my future and that I've trialled and errored everything I've done since leaving high school. I used to tell myself in primary school that I am a creative person and will be creative as I got older. My first ever job was a waitress, whilst I was still in high school, and I didn't even last a month there. I was on the edge of going to college after finishing school as 6th form was not interesting to me and I would rather a different environment.

After applying to college I was told that I was guaranteed a place in Level 3 Health & Social Care, but I was then offered a job in the same workplace as my father as a trainee sewing machinist. Obviously in the beginning I was unsure if I should take the job or go to college. But being the person I am, I took the job and learnt to sew in the furniture industry. I learnt to sew cushions, a range of chairs and footstools.

I then decided that I could create more and put my skills to good use with my sewing machine at home, considering I don't work in the furniture industry anymore. So I decided that I would start my own little business where I can repair, alter and produce things by myself.

In the near future I will have a variety of products to offer such as; memory pillows and blankets and, plushies and small soft toys.

If you have any questions or think of something I can help you with please feel free to contact me!